捷克姊妹校University of Hradec Kralove舉辦夏日學校,歡迎有興趣的同學報名參加!

We would like to invite you to  Summer Schools 2023 organized by Faculty of Science, University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic. Courses will be held between 12th July and 12th August 2023. Tuition fee for the Summer school is 2.500 CZK (app. 100-110 Euro), but students will be supported by e.g. dormitory accommodation free of charge.

The students may choose out of Biological, Mathematical, Cybernetic and Toxicological Summer School. Students will be introduced to basics of Czech language/culture and the guided trips will be organized for them.

The more detailed information and application form can be found on the web page:

Summer School 2023 - University of Hradec Králové (uhk.cz)

The location can be seen virtually here:


In the attachment you will find flyer and preliminary program which can be distributed.