對申請Indiana University Bloomington法學院留學有興趣的同學歡迎報名參加該校辦理之校友會及說明會。

Indiana University Bloomington將於102年3月29日 10:00-12:00 辦理說明會,歡迎對申請該校法學院碩士有興趣的同學報名參加! 

We are thrilled to invite you to the IU Maurer Taiwanese Alumni Gathering and Info Session on March 29 at 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. (Taiwan time). The purpose of this Gathering is to bring together all the IU Maurer alumni teaching at universities and law schools in Taiwan. We are very proud of our Taiwanese alumni, and we’d love this opportunity to gather together and celebrate your amazing achievements!

At this Gathering, we will learn about the current state of the Graduate Legal Studies program, as well as the opportunities now available to students in the program.  Next, we will introduce all the IU Maurer alumni. Finally, we’ll have some time for prospective students to ask questions about our alumni, your time in Bloomington, and the IU program. 

時間:112年3月29日 10:00- 12:00 (台灣時間)


  • 1. Welcome and Introduction of the Graduate Legal Studies Program
  • 2. Introduction and Who’s Who of the Taiwanese Alumni
  • 3. Q&A for Interested Students

報名: please click