Alien Resident Certificate Application Procedures for Students of Other Nationalities   申請居留證作業流程

Enter Taiwan with a resident visa.


Resident visa must be exchanged for an Alien Resident Certificate(ARC) at the National Immigration Agency within 15 days. On line apply only.



Required documents:

  1. Completed ARC application form
  2. One 2 x 2 inch photo
  3. Original and photocopy of passport and resident visa
  4. Certificate of enrollment
  5.    Fee: Foreign student -NT$1000/ Overseas Chinese Student-NT$500

**(For details of photo format)

We recommend students obtain a RESIDENT VISA prior to entering Taiwan since ONLY a RESIDENT VISA holder can apply for an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC). The holder of a visitor visa may spend a lot of time changing it to a resident visa. Applicants are required to do the Type B health check-up and go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to apply for a visa change.

由於持有停留簽證者無法申請居留證(ARC),我們強烈建議您先取得居留簽證(resident visa後再入台。停留簽證轉換為居留簽證之程序複雜且費時,必須先取得乙式體檢並親自至外交部轉換簽證。