Korea University’s International Winter Campus (KU IWC) 2023

1. KU IWC Overview

▣  Dates: December 26 (Tue), 2023 - January 12 (Fri), 2024 [3-week]

▣ Application Period: Sept. 6 - Nov. 17, 2023 (Early bird discount by Oct. 31)

▣ Program Registration Deadline: November 24 (Fri), 2023 

▣ Location: Korea University (Seoul)

▣ Further information can be found from the website(https://winter2.korea.ac.kr)

   * Extracurricular activities are available for students who join the KU IWC on KU  campus in Korea.


2. Application Procedure (Individual Enrollment)

1) Complete KU IWC Online  Application at https://winter.korea.ac.kr/src/regist/apply.php?_ga=2.59220777.560622701.1693785529-285657915.1693785529 

     and pay the non-refundable application fee of KRW 100,000 by November 17 (Fri), 2023.

2)  Send the required documents to kuwinter@korea.ac.kr by November 17 (Fri), 2023.

3)  Pay the tuition by November 24 (Fri), 2023. 


3. Application Procedure (Exchange/Fee-paying Nomination/Enrollment)

1)  Please contact Ms. Minnjoo Kim (hermosajoo@korea.ac.kr) with regarding the number of exchange/fee-paying students prior to the nomination     

    *Fees for tuition and application will be waived for officially nominated exchange students

2)  Fill in the nomination sheet attached and return it to Ms. Minnjoo Kim (hermosajoo@korea.ac.kr) by October 6 (Fri), 2023

3)  Please encourage the nominated students to complete the KU IWC online application at https://winter.korea.ac.kr/src/regist/apply.php?_ga=2.59220777.560622701.1693785529-285657915.1693785529 by October 13 (Fri), 2023.

4)  Please send the required documents to us at kuwinter@korea.ac.kr by October 13 (Fri), 2023.

   * If you cannot meet the required deadline, contact us in advance.


You can also check the IWC 2023-2024 website (https://winter2.korea.ac.kr/winter/regi/application.do#none) for further details.