韓國明知大學夏日課程開放申請囉! 請各位同學踴躍報名參加~

We are pleased to open our call for the 2024 Summer Short-Term Program.
DATE: 2024.07.14 ~ 2024.07.20
        2024.08.04 ~ 2024.08.17

Please kindly instruct your students to start their application process according to the Application Guidelines. 

Also, please kindly remind your students about the application documents, and students are welcome to contact us should they need clarification.

Each applicant must submit a google form.

*Before applying, please have the following documents ready.
1) Copy of passport
2) Copy of identification card
3) Face Photo
4) Guardian consent form (Please refer to it on the school steal page)
5) Consent form for the use of personal information (Please refer to it on the school steal page)

Application Period: ~2024.05.31/2024.06.14

Click here to check the language-specific documents.



Jay (Section Chief), Nia (Inbound),  He Ting (Short Term)

International Program Coordinator (Short Term, GKS)
Office of International Affairs
Myongji University
Address : 34 Geobukgol-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Tel : +82 2 300 1496   Fax : +82 2 300 1516