日本新潟大學夏日學校開放報名囉! Niigata University Summer Program 2024

The program is free of charge, and the number of students participating in this program will not count as the number of exchange students stipulated on the agreement.

Please see the following website to download the application guideline and application form.

How to apply for the program:
●Step1: Applicants must consult with the coordinator of their home university and express their intention of participating in the program.
●Step2: Applicants must be selected by partner universities, and the letter of recommendation* must be submitted by coordinators to intl@adm.niigata-u.ac.jp by July 5, 2024 (JST). *Attached please find the letter of recommendation and use it for your submission.
●Step3: Students who wish to participate in the program must fill in the necessary information by accessing the following URL by July 5, 2024 (JST).  

請欲申請的學生,於6/30前聯繫國際處伍小姐(shanchi@nuk.edu.tw/ 07-5919367),


名額限制: 15人。