外國學生入學申請應繳交資料Required Documents to Apply for Admission

外國學生入學申請Foreign Students Apply for Admission

應繳交上傳資料/ Required documents for Online Application

項目/ Check List

1.個人基本資料(網路上填寫): 連結網址於線上申請開放日期將公告於國際招生訊息。

Personal information (Apply online): The application link will be provided according to the open date of online application in International Admission News.


Certificate of Nationality: Passport/residence certificate or birth certificate


Financial statement: Balance is over US$3,300 or NT$100,000


*If the account name stated in the bank statement is not the applicant, a “Financial Affidavit for International Stuent Applications” signed by the sponsor clarifying the relationship between them and making an assurance to financially support the applicant’s study in Taiwan. An official scholarship certificate with required amount issued by the government or a certified institution can be provided as a financial statement.


Highest original diploma (English or Chinese version)

*申請階段接受未驗證之畢業證書及成績單,如獲准入學,註冊時須繳交經臺灣駐外館或僑委會保薦單位認證之原始文件供本校查驗 (應屆畢業生可先附在學證明,於註冊時補繳驗證過的畢業證書)。

*Applicants may submit non-notarized diploma and transcripts at the application stage. Once being accepted, the applicant must submit officially notarized ones by Taiwan Abroad Office to register at NUK. (The applicant who is a recent graduate can submit Certificate of Enrolment instead, but the notarized diploma must be submitted as registering at NUK.)


Official transcript (English or Chinese version)


A study plan & An autobiography: Type in English or Chinese

7.推薦信2封 (英文或中文)

Two recommendation letters (English or Chinese)

8.中文能力檢定證書:華檢TOCFL A2或HSK Level 4(含)等級以上檢定證書:除申請西洋語文學系碩士班可免繳交,所有科系皆需繳交

Mandarin Chinese Language Proficiency Certificate: TOCFL A2 or the equivalent level such as HSK Level 4 (or above) is required, except for the master program of Western Languages and Literature.

9.外國學生身份資格確認書 (附件一):列印、勾選簽名後掃描成PDF上傳

Declaration Form for Eligibility: Attachment 1 Declaration for International Applicants Undertaking Studies in Taiwan. Print, tick boxes and sign on it. Upload the scanned PDF file.


Additional documents required by individual departments:

-作品集:限工藝與創意設計系(必繳)、建築學系(選繳)/ Portfolio of arts: Dept. of Crafts and Creative Design (Compulsory), Dept. of Architechure (If any, not compulsory)

-英檢證書TOEFL (iBT) 79 / IELTS 6.5:限西洋語文學系(學士/碩士班)/ Dept. of Western Languages and Literature (Bachelor/Master)

-運動成績及能力證明:限運動競技學系/ Achievements or awards of Sports: Dept. of Athletic Performance


Supporting Documents (if available): Applicant can provide relevant certificates as good credits. E.g. English proficiency test certificate, Portfolio of art, certifications, achievements, awards.

-英檢證書English Certificate TOEFL (iBT) 61 / IELTS 6.0:限應用經濟系、財務金融系、生命科學系、應用數學系(限碩、博班)、化學工程及材料工程系、資訊工程系/ Applied Economics, Finance, Life Sciences, Applied Mathematics (Master/ Ph.D.), Chemical and Materials Engineering, Computer Science and Information Engineering

(有獎學金需求者,需同時繳交獎學金申請表 The application form for admission scholarship has to be submitted as applying online for admission if so desired.)