

【國立首爾大學】2024 Seoul National University(SNU) International Summer Program(ISP)

 International Summer Program (snu.ac.kr)

The ISP is a 5-week intensive summer program(June 24 ~ July 26, 2024) which is a unique blend of academic excellence, cultural immersion, and vibrant social engagement. Designed for both international and SNU students, the ISP offers targeted coursework spanning various academic disciplines, led by distinguished faculty from SNU and visiting scholars. 

The program stands out for offering a diverse array of courses (more than 40) across disciplines, all taught in English. What makes it truly special is the seamless integration of enriching extracurricular activities that go beyond the classroom, fostering cultural understanding and lifelong connections. 

The online information session for the ISP will be held on January 12 at 10 am (Korea Time), and interested students are encouraged to participate through Zoom (https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/96430719455?pwd=T1VKSlFTNUoydGdzdHhlUWlXenlsUT09).
