

日本弘前大學暑期營隊開放報名囉! 歡迎各位同學踴躍參加!

Details are as follows:

Application Deadline: July 10th, 3:00 PM (Wednesday)
URL: https://forms.gle/LhWvxvQsZEFiEMwp8
This form must be completed by the exchange coordinator at home university.

Required Documents:
(1) Hirosaki University Summer Program Application Form
(2) Health Declaration Form
(3) Commitment Form

Program Period: Sunday, August 18th, 2024, to Saturday, August 31st, 2024 (14 days)

                        Arrival and Check-in: Sunday, August 18th
                        Program: Monday, August 19th to Friday, August 30th
                        Check-out and Departure: Saturday, August 31st

Cost: 190,000 yen
        (including accommodation, activity fees, textbooks, Japanese student buddy, commission fees, etc.)

Please refer to the attached brochure and application guidelines for further details about the program.

