

NUK提供國際招生獎學金NUK provides scholarships to recruite foreign students

NUK提供國際招生獎學金NUK provides scholarships to recruite foreign students:

• NUK Foreign Student Scholarships for Admission外國學生入學獎學金:
1.Target補助對象:Foreign Students外國學生
Reward Item 補助項目:
(1) NUK offers students partial tuition and miscellaneous scholarships for a semester/academic year. 部份補助每學期/學年學雜費減免
(2) Duration of the scholarships: One year. 一年
(3) Student who needs to continue the scholarships, he/ she needs to apply again in the second academic year. 入學後每年可申請一次
2.Application conditions申請條件:
(1) Students must be officially admitted to NUK. 須獲高雄大學錄取
(2) Students must apply with the admission application. 於入學申請時提出申請
(3) To apply as an international student of a bachelor or master program, student is required to submit a copy of transcript and English and/ Chinese language certificates. The academic performance and language level will be evaluated. 檢附在校學習成績、英文及/或中文能力檢定
(4) Language requirements: 語言門檻規定
A. Chinese language proficiency certificate TOCFL A2 (minimum requirement) or the equivalent level such as HSK Level 4. (Except full English-taught program) 中文能力檢定達TOCFL A2以上(申請全英授課者可免)
B. English or other language proficiency certificate ( according to the department's requirements). 英文或其他語言能力檢定證書 (依所申請系所標準)
3.Application Deadline申請期限:Same as admission application schedule 入學申請期限
4.Attached application form for NUK scholarship must be filled out and uploaded. 須填妥本公告附件獎學金申請表並上傳

• Master scholarships for Korean Studies 東語系「韓語研究所外籍生獎學金」(The scholarship has no longer available for 2025 admission. 本項學系獎學金於2025年起暫停辦理)
1.Target補助對象:Foreign Students of Korean Studies 韓語研究所外籍學生
2.Reward Item 補助項目:
(1) Dept. of East Asian Languages and Literature offers students NT25,000 per semester.
(2) Duration of the scholarships: One semester~2 years.
(3) Student who needs to continue the scholarships, the academic grade of each submject of he/she needs to over 60%. 入學後修習科目均及格者,將由本校韓國研究中心提供至多四個學期,每學期新台幣25,000元之優渥獎學金。
3.Application conditions申請條件:
(1) Students must be officially admitted to NUK and enroll in the Korean graduate Program of Dept. of East Asian Languages and Literature. 申請就讀本系研究所-韓語組獲錄取。
(2) Language requirements: TOCFL, or HSK Level 5, or TOPIK Level 5 具中文(TOCFL或HSK 5級)或韓文能力 (TOPIK 5級)

• Assistantships of Information Management Degree students資訊管理學系學生獎學金
1. Target補助對象:Students of Information Management 資訊管理學系大學部及研究所學生
2. Application conditions申請條件:Students enrolled in the Dept. with the grades of the first semester are eligible to apply.入學該系後取得在校成績,方符合獎助學金申請資格
(Details can be checked from the department's website 獎助學金詳情請見該學系官網: https://im.nuk.edu.tw/p/426-1038-4.php?Lang=zh-tw )

Other than the above scholarships provided by NUK, here listed some funding from Taiwan government, OCAC as a除上述校內獎學金,以下提供來臺就讀學位可申請之相關校外獎學金:
• Taiwan Government Scholarship臺灣政府獎學金
外國學生得依相關規定申請政府獎學金,申請人應依其受理時間自行提出申請(如:外交部台灣獎學金https://www.mofa.gov.tw/cp.aspx?n=4326BCFE40D0A361;教育部台灣獎學金 http://tafs.mofa.gov.tw/)

The info of the Taiwan Scholarship can be referred to the website of "Taiwan Scholarship Office Program" (https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/index.html).

Taiwan Scholarship Budget Source:
The Scholarship Program of Taiwan established by two government agencies of the Republic of China (Taiwan) --- Ministry of Education (MOE) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) --- to encourage outstanding international students to undertake degree programs in Taiwan.

The Scholarship Program of Taiwan is only eligible for International Students (except exchange student), who have achieved excellent academic performance, and have not received other scholarships from any government agency, or organization outside of the university.

For application receipt, review, and selection, applicants must send their completed documents to Taiwan representative office, closest to their home countries’ permanent residence.

Related Information

1. Taiwan scholarship (MOE) English version :

2. Taiwan scholarship (MOE) Chinese version :

3. Taiwan scholarship (MOFA) English version :

4. Taiwan scholarship (MOFA) Chinese version :

Other related information about Taiwan scholarship, please visit the following webites:
『Ministry of Education 』http://english.moe.gov.tw/mp.asp?mp=1
『Ministry of Foreign Affairs 』http://www.mofa.gov.tw/EnOfficial

僑生入學獎學金Overseas Chinese Student Admission Scholarships】僑委會(OCAC)獎勵頂尖及傑出僑生來臺就讀大學校院獎學金(學士班)