{步驟一} 上傳以下文件至外國專業人員工作許可線上申請系統https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw/wcfonline/wSite/Control...
1. 護照正反面影本(注意不能過期)
2. 居留證正反面影本(注意不能過期)
3. 境外生工作證申請切結書(如未找到工作,可於找到工作後再補填「工作資訊」的欄位)(如附件)
4. 該學期學雜費繳費證明 或 該學期在學證明(在學證明請至教務處列印)
{步驟二} 填寫正確的申請許可期間:
申請許可期間 Application time:申請當日至to________(最長期限為1年)
外國留學生、僑生及華裔學生於每學年上學期 10 月 1 日起至次年 9 月 30 日止之期間申請工作許可者,其
許可期間不得逾次年 9 月 30 日。但檢附經學校註冊組加蓋申請期間次學年第一學期註冊章之學生證影
本或提供註冊證明者,不受前述工作許可期間不得逾次年 9 月 30 日規定之限制。另來臺學習語言課程
Foreign students, overseas Chinese students and ethnic C
hinese students apply work permit during October
1 of the applying year to September 30 of next year in the academic year, the duration of the permit cannot
exceed September 30 of the next year. However, the said regulation which last day is September 30 c an be
exempted if copy of student ID with stamps of the school registration department or registration certificate
for the first semester of the next academic year are attached. Meanwhile, foreign students leaning Chinese in
Taiwan can only apply work perm it with duration as long as the current registered semester. And the work
permits will be invalid if students quit, drop out, graduate, or language leaning or phased skill training
program are over.
{步驟三} 繳費:審查費可選ATM繳費(Taiwan PAY)或郵局繳費,若不知如何填寫審查費,請參考欄位旁的 "?",內有說明。
1. 學生所有線上資料確認完成送出後,下一關會傳送學校審核,學校完成審核後,再傳送至勞動部審核。學校這邊審核如果有問題,會退回學生,請補件後再上傳一次。
2. 請隨時上系統(點選案件管理)查看案件狀態,如顯示已發文,才表示勞動部審核完成,如果有無法送學校審核或被退回或補件等狀況,系統皆會顯示原因,請更正後再重新送審。
3. 若選擇核發紙本工作許可證者,勞動部將寄送工作證至國際處,再請同學自行前來取件。若選擇核發電子工作許可證者,可直接從網站下載。
其他相關規定 (許可期限、罰則、工作許可之終止)
How to apply for a work permit:
{Step 1} Upload the following documents to the online application system for work permit for foreign professionals https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw/wcfonline/wSite/Control...
1. Photocopy of the front and back of the passport (be careful not to expire)
2. Photocopy of the front and back of the ARC (be careful not to expire)
3. NUK Overseas Students Work Permit Application Affidavit (if you didn't have a job yet, you may fill in the "Employment Information" section after you have one.) (refer to the following attachment)
4. Proof of payment for this semester or proof of enrollment for this semester(please print it at the Academic Affairs Office)
System operation can refer to the attachment: work permit sop
{Step 2} Fill in the CORRECT application time:
**The application time is ONE year. please make sure to fill in the CORRECT application time, otherwise you can not apply for it.
**Note that the application time of the work permit cannot exceed the validity period of the ARC.
{Step 3} Payment
The examination fee can be paid by ATM(Taiwan PAY) or post office. If you don't know how to pay the examination fee, please refer to the "?" next to the field for instructions. you must pay this if you want to apply work permit.
{Step 4} After all the online information of the student is confirmed and sent, the next level will be sent to the school for review. After the school has completed the review, it will be sent to the Ministry of Labor for review.
If there is any problem in the school's review, it will be returned to the student, please upload it again after supplementing.
Please go to the system (click Case Management) to check the status of the case at any time. If it shows that the document has been issued, it means that the Ministry of Labor has completed the review. If there is a situation that cannot be sent to the school for review or is returned or supplemented, the system will display the reason. Please correct it. Resubmit for trial.
If you choose to issue a paper work permit, the Ministry of Labor will send the work permit to OIA, and inform students to come and pick it up after seeing the announcement. If you choose to issue an electronic work permit, you can download it directly from the website.
Other relevant regulations (Permit period, penalty, termination of work permit)
1. Exchange students are not allowed to apply for a work permit.
2. The maximum working hours for overseas students is 20 hours per week, except for winter and summer vacations.
3. It takes 1-2 weeks to apply for a work permit. If you have work needs, please send the application in advance!
4. During the review period of the work permit, you still can’t go to work.
5. The validity period of the work permit is subject to the date on the issued work permit. Once the work permit expires, you must apply for a new permit.
6. Those who go to work without applying for a work permit in accordance with the regulations will be fined NT$150,000 to NT$750,000 in accordance with the Employment Service Act.
8. Work permits for leave of absence or withdrawal from school will also be invalid.
9. For details, please refer to: Employment Services Act of the Ministry of Labor. Ministry of Labor website: http://www.wda.gov.tw/
Online application consultation window:
Customer Service Email: ezwp@wda.gov.tw
Website: http://www.wda.gov.tw/
Tel: 0800-881-339/ (02)2380-1720
Service time: Monday to Friday 8:30-12:30, 13:30-17:30