

【表單】國泰人壽保險理賠申請書 Insurance Claim Form Cathay Life Insurance


1. 申請書(下載:附件)

2. 診斷證明書(於看診時請醫院開立)

3. 看診收據

4. 居留證或護照正反面影本

5. 存摺封面影本(若無存摺可以請保險公司開立支票)





Documents required for insurance claims:

1. Application Form (Download: attached)

2. Certificate of diagnosis (please ask the hospital to issue it when you see a doctor)

3. Consultation receipt

4. Photocopy of the front and back of your ARC or passport

5. A copy of the cover of the passbook (if you don't have the passbook yet, you can ask the insurance company to issue a check)


*Please submit it to OIA after all preparations are complete. We will forward the student application documents to the insurance company, and the insurance company will settle the claims based on these documents.


*Students who already have a health insurance card cannot apply.
