

境外畢業生離校注意事項International Students School-leaving Notice

Q1:如何辦理畢業離校流程?What should I do for the school-leaving procedure?

  1. 確認離校資格(含學位考試)Check out the qualifications of the graduate.
  2. 確認學位考試成績(研究生)Check out the examination grades of the graduate students.
  3. 確認已還清所借圖書及逾期罰款Please confirm that the books have been returned and any overdue fines have been paid.
  4. 繳交論文電子檔(研究生/博士生)https://cloud.ncl.edu.tw/nuk/ Please submit electronic files of the thesis for graduate and doctoral students.
  5. 線上畢業生離校作業 http://webap.nuk.edu.tw/leave/ Online school-leaving procedure system 



Q2:如何領取畢業證書? How to get the diploma?

1. 親自領取 Get your diploma in person.

2. 請別人代領,須填寫「國立高雄大學代辦手續並請領教務證件委託書」(https://daa.nuk.edu.tw/var/file/5/1005/img/191/196993539.pdf),受委託人並請攜帶個人身份證供查驗。

If you ask someone else to pick up your diploma, please make sure they have the following:

A. Their ID card such as ARC or Driving License for verification.

B. If you send someone else to pick up your diploma, please make sure they have a written authorization with them(https://daa.nuk.edu.tw/var/file/5/1005/img/191/196993539.pdf)

C. Please make sure your school-leaving procedure is completed.


Q3:如何領取數位版畢業證書?How to get the digital version of diploma?


Since 2023, fresh graduates will receive the hard copy Chinese Diploma. After receiving the hard copy, they will also receive the digital version via email within two weeks. Upon individual application and payment, fresh graduates will receive the digital version of their English Diploma via email within two weeks after they have received the hard copy. (During the trial period of the digital certificate, no fees will be charged. In the future, the charging standards will be determined according to the plan of the Ministry of Education.)


Q4:如何申請英文畢業證書?How to apply for the English diploma?


1. Apply by the machine in the Office of academic affairs, and then you will get a receipt.

2. Fill out the NUK English diploma application form.

3. Submit the receipt and application form to the counter staff.

It is recommended to apply in advance to ensure that you can receive both the English and Chinese diplomas simultaneously.


Q5:什麼時候可以領取畢業證書?When can I get my diploma?

  1. 113年6月17日(星期一)起於日間上班時間內開始受理大學部(含二年制在職專班)畢業生離校作業及領取畢業證書。Starting from June 17, 2024 (Monday), every Monday to Thursday during office hours
  2. 113年7月11日(四)下午:因辦理大學入學分科測驗準備工作,暫停受理離校手續。On July 11 2024 (Thursday), the school-leaving procedure will be suspended


更多離校程序資訊,請見教務處網頁 https://daa.nuk.edu.tw/p/406-1005-77877,r127.php?Lang=zh-tw


Q6:畢業後健保問題The NHI insurance after graduating

  • 留台升學的同學,可於9月份至新學校辦理加保。

For graduates who continue their studies in Taiwan, the new school will assist you in extending your enrollment in the National Health Insurance (NHI) program.

Those who stay in Taiwan for the purpose of job-seeking, NUK will cover your National Health Insurance (NHI) program until the end of July. After that, please go to the district office of your residential area to process your NHI enrollment. Once you secure a job, your company will assist you in applying for NHI coverage.

  • 離開台灣的同學,學校將依照你在離校程序系統填寫的離台日期辦理退保,健保卡可自己保留,以後如果要再來台灣求學或工作可以使用。

The National Health Insurance (NHI) coverage will be terminated based on the departure date that you provide on the school-leaving procedure system. You can keep your NHI card for future studies or work when you return to Taiwan.


Q7:畢業後居留證問題 ARC Extension after Graduating

  • 留台升學的同學,居留證請在新學校註冊後辦理延期。

For graduates who continue their studies in Taiwan, please renew your Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) after completing the registration process at your new school.

  • 留台找工作的同學,請在拿到畢業證書後15天內,親自到移民署轉換居留證事由為「其他-覓職」。

Students who stay in Taiwan for job-seeking, please personally visit the National Immigration Agency within 15 days after receiving your diploma. And, change your Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) to “Job-Seeking.”

需要證件:Required documents

A. 畢業證書正本及影本 Diploma and one copy

B. 護照正本及影本 Passport and one copy

C. 居留證正本 ARC

D. 居住證明(租約、水電費單等) Certificate of residence

E. 最近一年內二吋半身脫帽正面相片One head photo (taken within the last six months, 2.5 inch)

F. 費用:僑生500元、外籍生1000元 Fee: Overseas Chinese student charges 500NTD. International student charges 1000NTD.

G. 效期:1年(可於1年到期前再延1年)總計為2年。1 year (can be extended for another 1 year before expiration) for a total of 2 years.


Hong Kong and Macau students may utilize the online application process, while other students must personally visit the immigration office to apply. Here is the address:




Please note: With a Job-Seeking. ARC, you are not eligible to apply for a work permit. Therefore, engaging in part-time employment is not permitted.

  • 離開台灣的同學,畢業流程完成後15天內回國,不用辦理居留證延期,可直接離境。如果超過15天者,請先辦理延期,以免受罰。

Once you complete your school-leaving procedure, it signifies your graduation, and the purpose of your ARC will be canceled within 15 days. If you leave Taiwan within 15 days, there is no need to extend your ARC. However, if you stay beyond 15 days, please ensure that you complete the process of extending your ARC.