

2024年國際專修部秋季班申請即將開跑囉!! (申請時間5/27-6/16) 2024 1+4 IFP Program (Fall Admission)


Now download NUK's Prospectus for 2024 1+4 IFP Program (Fall Admission)申請前請下載招生簡章

■ 招收系所Degree Programs:運健休Kinesiology, Health and Leisure Studies/建築Architecture(1+5)/資管Information Management/生科Life Science/應物Applied Physics/電機Electrical Engineering/化材Chemical and Materials Engineering/土環Civil and Environmental Engineering

■ 受理日期Application opens: May. 27 ~ Jun 16, 2024

■ 申請資格Eligibility:僑生Overseas Chinese Student、外籍生Foreign Student

■ 報名費Application Fee:免費 free

■ 線上申請連結: Google form--https://forms.gle/o31LRPpkkpe3zqBXA

*另外請注意國際專修部入學後華語檢定通過標準及打工相關規定 Students are required to pass TOCFL A2 level in the first academic year and TOCFL B1 level during the second academic year. Besides, An international student must apply for a work permit if he/she wants to work in Taiwan. (須填具國際專修部入學具結書 Affidavit for International Foundation Program is required.) *僑生請填寫 華裔身分等初審檢核表-中文版 Overseas Chinese applicant must submit an additional checklist for identity verification.


有關1+4國際專修部(International Foundation Program)詳情,歡迎掃描QR。 For details about IFP, welcome to scan QR CODE.