境外學位生學雜費資訊Tuition Fees Standard for Overseas Degree Students
*上表所列金額依不同學年度可能會有些微調整。*The amount of fees are subject to be minorly adjusted per academic year.
*查詢每學年學雜費金額,請至本校教務處(學雜費專區)。For detailed information about tuition fees, please go to Division of Academic Affairs ( https://daa.nuk.edu.tw/p/404-1005-4858.php?Lang=zh-tw ).
*休退學退費標準Refund Policy for Applicants of suspension, withdrawal or status retention:
1. Before or on the registration day: All fees and charges will be refunded. 2. Within the first 1/3 of the current semester after the registration day: 2/3 of the total tuition will be refunded. 3. After the first 1/3 of the current semester but before 2/3 of the semester:1/3 of the total tuition will be refunded. 4. Over 2/3 of the current semester: No tuition refund will be accepted.
*應用科學碩士學位學程110學年度起停止招收。Applied Science Master Program (ASM) is non-applicable since fall 2021.
*國際商業管理碩士學位學程113學年度(2024.9)起停止招收。International Master of Business Management Program (IMBA) will no longer receive new applicants after fall 2024.